About us

At the nexus of innovation and business, Tech Park Basel resides in the heart of Europe’s leading healthcare and life science hub Basel, fostering early-stage tech start-ups amid renowned academic institutions and cutting-edge infrastructure.

Who are we?

Your Tech Park Basel Team – Mitja Messerli, Christian Harr, Brigitte Jäggi, Giovanni Attianese, Eveline Buso & Benedict Staehelin

The Tech Park Basel provides spin-offs and early-stage technology-oriented start-ups with targeted and continuous support in infrastructure, essential services, networking and interdisciplinary collaborations to thrive and achieve their next breakthrough. Tech Park Basel is not profit-oriented and is an instrument of the Economic Development Unit Basel-Stadt. In conjunction with infrastructure, essential services, networking, other programmes and interdisciplinary collaborations, Tech Park Basel’s impact ripples across industries, elevating the number of pioneering technology companies that find a home and flourish within the Basel region.

Facts 2011 Founded by the canton of Basel-Stadt
50+ Start-ups & Projects since 2011
6 Operating TPB Employees
6700 m2 Rental Area on eight different floors

Why Basel?

As an economically strong region, Basel-Stadt is easily accessible and offers unrivalled scientific qualifications. The region offers a unique combination of start-ups, innovative companies, and world-leading players. More than 700 life science companies from the entire value chain are home to the area. Roche and Novartis have their global headquarters here. In addition, the region is closely connected to the world of science through world-class institutions such as the University of Basel, the University Hospital Basel, the FHNW, and the ETH Zurich.

Why Stücki Park?

Stücki Park, where Tech Park Basel is located, offers a unique urban business and innovation site that combines excellent research and development activities in life science with an inspiring variety of offers and services for everyday life. In addition to Tech Park Basel, the area is home to various well-known companies such as Lonza, Bacthera, Medartis, Mettler Toledo and Boehringer Ingelheim.


Ever wondered what last year’s highlights at Tech Park Basel were or how the startups are developing at TPB? Learn more about the development of Tech Park Basel and its community.

Tech Park 2022 2022 was an exciting year of change for Tech Park Basel and its tenants, starting with its new name.
Tech Park 2021 Tech Park Basel was able to celebrate its tenth anniversary
Tech Park 2020 2020 was an eventful year for Tech Park Basel

Team / Contact

Christian Harr


Benedict Staehelin


Brigitte Jäggi

Finance & Tenant Management

Eveline Buso

Reception Desk and Administration

Giovanni Attianese

Tech Support

Mitja Messerli

Marketing & Stakeholder Relations


Trudi Haemmerli

In Memoriam


Ownership Kanton Basel-Stadt
Ideelle Partner Basel Area Business & Innovation


Global Entrepreneurship Network Basel